
As it was such a lovely morning I skipped yoga and went for a cycle.

Italy didn't appear to have an effect on the waistline but I fear the week we came home did it. On holiday we didn't overindulge and did lots of walking however the week after we got back involved unhealthy food, social gatherings (booze and nibbles) and sitting on the sofa watching the Olympics.

This week the eating has improved and trying to be more active. The cycle was great as I haven't been on my bike for a while. The unicorns are back but a little to far away to get a good shot. So, it had to be the cows. They are so nosey. Always want to see what you are doing.

Right. Blip done early so as not to distract.

Gardening to follow with maybe a little sunbathing later with daughter. We can catch up on our reading.

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