Our little fairy!

We are home! And as usual hit the ground running. Last night we both had meetings and by the time we had unpacked and generally sorted out things it was time to leave the house again!

Today has also been pretty manic with Little Miss here with us. Managed to get all the holiday washing done, phew! Did a much needed shop as the cupboard really was bare!

I am glad to report that all my plants had survived which is a very rare occurrence here! The garden looked in quite good order too.

Farming - two on compost hauling. Mr Tbay Jnr topping a ladies very, very overgrown paddock.

It was so good to see little miss again. She has gained a few more word and a lots of other words which seem to be Chinese or something similar! Her mummy bought this little rucksack with fairy wings on it for her forthcoming trip to Malta. It did look so sweet . I had meant to do a Trcator Tuesday but this was too good a shot to miss!

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