
By ramblingrose


Hi there everyone. I hope you are all well.
I am sorry for anyone who doesn't like Spiders, but I just had to get this photo. I am going to be quite busy over the next few days, as my younger Son is moving. He had notice to leave within 2 weeks. As you can imagine, this has been a great shock! I never did like his Landlady!. This is the reason that I haven't been on here for the last couple of days. I have been too busy trying to help find him somewhere else to live. I just haven't had the time to blip. I really do apologise to you all!. I have, however,  put photos on for those missing days. I have also starred your entries, but have not been able to comment, due to my being so busy!
I am pleased to say that he has now got somewhere. I will be helping him move on Friday. He only rents a room, so it isn't too much. I obviously will be helping him clean etc though. It will be a long day!
Anyway, take care of yourselves. Thank you for following me.
Theresa.x  PS; If you have a minute to spare, maybe you would like to check out my entries for the 17th, 18th and 19th. If you haven't already. Thank you so much.

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