Beyond bare branches

Having made it through most of the day, I left work a little early. My registrars both told me to stay home tomorrow. I confidently predicted feeling better by morning; here's hoping. 

This afternoon I had to face the problems which can be created by compulsorily detaining patients. I guess that the position I find myself in, is not dissimilar to that of a surgeon who gets asked to do the tricky operation where it is not hard to go wrong and where the outcome can be severely bad. That I have the confidence of my team no matter what decision I make is reassuring and helps me to take the (hopefully) appropriate decisions.

No chance of a photo during the day at work. This evening I spotted a couple of tauhou (silver eyes) in the crucifix orchids. I went to get my camera, and whether they were going anyway, or my movement disconcerted them, they left abruptly. Later I saw cars going up and down Leighton Street on the other side of the Grey Lynn valley. The road is wide enough for two cars to pass, although this photo suggests otherwise.

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