
Not really! Its actually a lovely warm colour - red bricks. I've 'gloom-ed' it up because I thought it could look quite spooky if it was.

The Princess Margaret Hospital which was opened in 1959, is situated at the foot of the Port Hills, in the South of Christchurch. It is an iconic building, a showcase of the architecture of the time. Ugly as hell perhaps but it must have been the epitome of "modern" when it was built. All the more astonishing as it remains unscathed through recent shaky events. We've lost so many brick buildings from this era.

It holds many mixed emotions for me as it was here that my grandmother died when I was 17. Mum and I had spend most of her last few days with her and we were there when she she went. I was holding her hand at the time and it was my first experience of losing someone I loved.

On leave studying. But I did take some time out to go pick Dave up from here to take him out for lunch.

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