Home economics

Finally, in the 4 years of having kids at secondary school, one of them appears out of Home Ec Class and actually eats what they've made. Pizza I guess is a no brainer (Unless you're Sam. Sam still hates pizza, despite trying it on holiday with his pals. Peer pressure didn't last). My memories of home economics in 80s Scotland was pure dead mingin' kedgeree and sweet enough to make you sick pineapple upside down cake, then there was the badly made pin cushion and gingham apron....I've still got both).

Sam was AWOL after school, he's suddenly taken it upon himself to join an after-school table tennis club without telling me, which is just ticketyboo and Grand(a) and all that, but it means trailing home and back for him and that's before Tess has to be chauffeured to netball. Shouldn't complain about the kids doing sporty exercisy stuff really.

Headed off to the beach late at night but was beaten by darkness, detour for a cuppa at Ma n Pa Sinclair rounded off the night.

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