Architectural merits
A second brilliant day in Berlin, thanks to our friends.
We met up with S and L for brunch at Südblock (see extra for bar). While I went back to find D by public transport, Mr A set off on foot for our rendezvous, which was by the Kanzleramt, around the back of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Successfully rendez-vous-ed, we refuelled, and Mr A and D got into a conversation about the merits of the Kanzleramt, which was still unresolved when we set off on foot (me on the bike) along the Spree to drop Mr A off at U Bahn Friedrichstrasse, for a further rendezvous at Südstern, where we enjoyed the pleasures of the micro brewery Brauhaus Südstern. A final leg back on the bike through the Tempelhofer Feld got us back here about ten minutes before Mr A, who dived into the U Bahn once again.
All in all an excellent day out.
Here's a flickr album with more.
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