Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

Horsey Business

Or original plan for today was to go bell ringing then head over to Llangollen to help out at the Wales International Balloon festival which was being held in aid of the hospice.

However when we saw how busy it had been yesterday we decided that we would forgo bell ringing this week and head straight over to Llangollen. What we hadn't taken into account was that the English Half Marathon was being held this morning and so the road at the bottom of our drive was closed to traffic. As we couldn't go anywhere we went out and photographed and cheered on the runners. When the last one was through we jumped into the car and headed off. A little later than planned but still earlier than if we had gone bell ringing.

The festival was not as busy as yesterday. This horse and rider were members of an horse acrobatic troupe who entertained the crowds in the arena today.

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