
By rubyjones

Fuck Christmas.

Feeling particularly nihilistic after fucking up spectacularly this morning, sending a text to the electrician I was slagging off to D (be still my beating heart) by mistake. Jeez. What a fuck up, but to be fair the electrician has pretty much made an arse of certain things (the dimmer switch in the bathroom also controling half the lights in the kitchen of example. Oh and other shit, trying to bully me into accepting sub-standard work. I hate being bullied more than anything in the world.)

The text thing wasn't on purpose. But who knows what my sub-concious is telling me.

So I've removed all the Christmas songs from my ipad.
Can't be listening to anything to do with fucking goodwill, or shitty love right now. Have a massive government tender to crack, and a slightly bruised heart to kick into shape.

I couldn't take Slade off tho.
I'm not dead inside. Yet.

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