The colour of a rainy day

Dyn ni wedi dod â nifer o lyfrau gyda ni ac mae amser gwyliau yw amser darllen. Mae'n neis iawn i fod yn gallu darllen yn araf ac yn cymryd egwyl i feddwl, neu jyst eistedd. Dw i'n darllen 'Seeing Fresh: The Practice of Contemplative Photography' gan Andy Karr a Michael Wood. Mae'n edrych ar ffotograffiaeth o'r safbwynt o rywun sy'n myfyrio. Mae rhai o ymarferion yn y llyfr. Un ohonyn nhw oedd jyst i sylwi lliwiau. Cerddon ni i lawr y traeth ac o gwmpas y dre gyda'r ffocws ar liwiau. Roedd e'n ddiddorol iawn. Aethon ni i fwyty am ginio neis iawn cyn cerdded adre.

We have brought a number books with us and holiday time is reading time. It's really nice to be able to read slowly and take a break to think, or just sit. I'm reading 'Seeing Fresh: The Practice of Contemplative Photography' by Andy Karr and Michael Wood. It explores photography from the perspective of someone who meditates. There are some exercises in the book. One of them was just to notice colours. We walked down the beach and around town with the focus on colours. It was very interesting. We went to a restaurant for lunch very nice before walking home.

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