A Much Needed Reign

We haven't had rein for so long now...I dun forgot how to spell it. It rained today from about 7 a..m until 3 p.m. A nice slow rain, too...not a downpour. Looks and smells terrific.

I stood at my kitchen window with my camera, and noticed the drips coming off my patio roof. Drip A was dripping every 7 seconds. Drip B was coming every 4 seconds. Drip C was constant. Since everything is a contest...how could I get all 3 drips into the picture?

Ohhhh...how I wish I had paid attention in high school math. I am so sorry...Miss Remley...for wasting so much time in your class! Using the 7 and the 4...I figured in 28 seconds...I would get dual drops. OR...I could just shoot blindly, and hope for the best. I shot blindly. The amazing part is...it only took 64 shots!

I've had the Olympics on all day, but have also done some work. Cleaned the kitchen, and the family room...now I'm working on the living room. Family dinner at our house this Sunday.

From a dip posting a Blip drip...we be gone. Catch you on the flip side.

Click on my year-ago shot>>>>>>>>to see Shelley before she became naturelover on Blipfoto.

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