Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

Thistle Do!

It's 2 months exactly since I took part in the Edinburgh Moonwalk.
Since then I haven't really walked anywhere much. Certainly nothing more than a wander.

This evening was "let's go for a walk as it's a lovely evening"

For those who know the area we went from Stratheden, along to Springfield, down through the Rankeillor estate, down to the Ladybank level crossing then back to Springfield by the railway path and finally back up to Stratheden.

Not too fast, but at a steady pace.
5 miles.

I learnt 2 things:
1. My knee is fixed
2. My thigh/bum muscle is not.

All the more reason to get my trainers on and work back up to longer distances NOW, not in the spring when my muscle will have atrophied ;-)

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