
So yesterday there were post-it notes stuck all over my kitchen wall and I arranged 'em into a kind of essay plan. And every now and again I stepped back, looked at 'em and re-arranged the pattern and the order a bit with a stroke of the chin and a "yes, that bit can go there, then that bit, move that down to the next section, stick that bit in nearer the end", etc. And now today I removed all the post-it notes that have made it into the essay and ripped 'em up into this bowl here. But, I'm reminded of all the times I've ever assembled yer flat-pack furniture and how at the end there's always a few screws left over that you think should be in the assembled bit of furniture but you're damned if you're going to take the thing apart just for the sake of a few screws. So, just like those screws that invariably get thrown away or forgotten about I reckon the 5 or 6 post-it notes left still stuck on the wall can now be seen as pretty much non-essential to the task in hand.

A bit of fresh air needed. If you see someone riding a bike in the countryside muttering about social reproduction it'll probably be me.


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