All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Now that I've abandoned Ethan's swimming classes for the time being, we had a whole day to fill with fun ahead of us today.

First of all I took Ethan into Edinburgh to see this show. Although it's advertised as 3+ I decided to give it a go, because Ethan loves watching Andy on CBeebies. It was an hour long show and although Ethan got a bit restless towards the end, he seemed to really enjoy it. He was even laughing at lots of it although I'm not sure he always knew why he was laughing!

We then walked up to the Royal Mile to get something to eat. At this point I seriously regretted leaving the pushchair in the car as Ethan downright refused to walk and he's blooming heavy to carry any distance these days. I had assumed I'd have lots of photo opportunities in town but not so easy with a heavy toddler in tow, so this one of Chris Hoy's postbox is the only one I took all day!

We then had a big rush back to the car and a drive through to Roseburn for Ethan's hairdressers appointment. I hadn't appreciated how disruptive the roadworks around Haymarket are and we ended up abandoning the car in Russell Road and walking / running the rest of the way (with the pushchair this time)! Ethan was a star at the hairdressers and sat so nicely for Mandy.

A trip round Tescos before heading home finished off the afternoon. Granny and Grandpa arrived in time for dinner so Ethan was happy about that too.

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