Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco sweet thing (YardBird #55)

Meet Yard Bird #55, the Magnolia Warbler.  Migration is definitely on now and I've been seeing warblers through the yard for the last 3 or 4 days.  Not the crispest photo, but I'm happy to get a shot of these flighty little birds, crisp or not.  Number 53 was a Tennessee Warbler and Number 54 a Cape May Warbler (and also a yard-first!)

I was spoiled for choices today.  I made a trip over to a fish hatchery where there are always breeding meadowhawk dragons at this time of year - they didn't disappoint.  Earlier this morning, I got my best-ever shot of a candy-striped leafhopper as well as a gorgeous little ovenbird (another warbler); and this afternoon Scoobie the chipmunk entertained us while quaffing down peanuts.  I've posted six shots on Flickr, starting HERE, if you're interested.  Vivid colors, delicious food and sex all covered in six shots!

My mom had a mohs procedure very early this morning to remove some basil cell carcinoma right near her eye.  Very glad that it is now behind her and they were able to get all of the cancer.  She's got a very impressive dressing across her nose (Dad was keeping me informed via text) and I expect she's already starting to turn several lovely shades of black and blue, but she's doing fine.  In fact, she wanted a Starbucks when they left the clinic, followed by a walk.  That's my mom!

Happy Friday, people.  


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