The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

It's all about Maisie ...

As the usual groomer is on holiday I'd booked Maisie in for a wash and brush up at the groomers which is based at the doggy day care place we go to.
We went into the room and met the groomer. She seemed lovely, and we discussed the requirements - but as soon as she went anywhere near Maisie, Maisie became almost aggressive with her. She was having none of it and kept going for her. It's SO unlike Maisie - she never goes for people - she barks a lot but that's all. We even tried to muzzle Maisie, but she removed it almost immediately. We decided that it was a real non-starter and I brought Maisie home.
Later in the afternoon I rang the groomers at Pets at Home and explained the situation. They said to take her in and we'd see how it went. To cut a very long story short Maisie behaved perfectly and was constantly licking the groomer. Most odd.
The only thing I can think is that Maisie was afraid of the windowless room with closed door in the morning - but who knows?
Here's a clean and groomed Maisie in the light of the setting sun!

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