
By spitzimixi

superhero, queen of the carrots

today I was giving a course all day again, thankfully this time with electricity. One part of the course is about perception and how autistic people perceive things differently and how we can help develop their perception by different kinds of therapeutic methods. One such method was demonstrated to the participants with me playing the autistic person. As part of the exercise, I had to be led into opening a plastic tub, taking a carrot out and breaking it into two pieces. 
One of our participants totally misunderstood the point of this exercise and got a bit too absorbed into it (my acting skills were obviously good today) and asked us if I had now learnt how to break a carrot. My co-presenter, who is autistic and really didn't expect such an oddball question, didn't immediately grasp what had happened and got me to demonstrate that I had, indeed, learnt how to break a carrot. Afterwards we managed to clear up the situation and I think that, for the participants at least, it became clear what was meant.
Once everyone had left, my co-presenter and I had a great time celebrating the fact that I have learnt how to break a carrot into two. I decided I'd write it into my CV and also ask for a payrise...

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