tulip mania

An early start today - cholesterol blood tests at the surgery first thing.  We both have high cholesterol for reasons we can’t quite fathom.  Pretty careful about what we eat and drink.  

I’ve been on statins for the past 6 months, Anniemay has pared her fat consumption back (even more than she already does), as well as upping her exercise regime.  So we’re both looking forward to the results.  Of course, AM being AM wants to make a competition out of it; assuming our numbers drop - whose numbers drop the most?   

She already thinks that, being on drugs, I have an unfair advantage and is threatening to report me to WADA.  I counter with the fact the she has two fully functioning lungs and a heart with a naturally low resting rate (thus allowing for greater exercise tolerance) - either one of which trumps my cardiopulmonary system.  So - a level playing field as far as I’m concerned.

We’re both hungry when we leave the surgery, having fasted for the previous 12 hours.  So a big breakfast (out) followed by 2 hours of shopping.  First stop is the garden centre for Spring bulbs; in particular, Tulips.  

There are masses and masses of them and I’m put in mind of the Tulip Mania which swept the Netherlands in the early 17thC.  People went crazy for these new plants with colours that had never been seen in Europe before; prices skyrocketed, people speculated, made fortunes, the market collapsed, people lost fortunes.  And so it goes.

I am not immune from a little speculation myself and think ahead to next April.  Tulips are always good for a blip or two, so choose some with really fancy petals.  Watch this space.

And thank you for your good wishes yesterday.  

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