Mr. HCB is a very kind gardener and is always giving away plants – he feels it would be a shame to waste them and it’s always good to share. 
Today’s flower is a large sunflower, but not as large, or should I say “humungous” as the one grown by our friend, D, and which was from one of the plants given to him by Mr. HCB.  That wouldn’t be so bad, except every time we saw D he would say “You should see the size of my sunflower!”  After a while, we challenged him to prove that his was bigger than ours, and he showed his family standing underneath it – and it was at least 10 feet tall – D obviously has VERY green fingers!
Sad to say it wasn’t only the sunflowers that D grew bigger and better than Mr. HCB’s – the courgette plants that were given to him were amazing too.  We reckon it was because it’s the first year in his house and the garden has virgin soil – needless to say, D does not agree!
This sunflower looks rather scruffy and is being blown about in the wind, as it is rather cool and blowy this morning, but Mr. HCB is hoping for bigger and better next year – this one is only just over 6 feet tall – so I think D may have some competition next year!
"Keep your face to the sunshine
     and you cannot see the shadow.
          It's what sunflowers do.''

 Helen Keller 

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