Of course the quickest way from the Princes Street Gardens West playpark to the Dragon Museum is up these steps. Unless you go the really quick way up Granny's Green then back down to Victoria Terrace, then Victoria Street, then through the distressing-smelling close to the Colgate, then along Guthrie Street, but that would have probably involved me having to carry one or more of them. Odd how it's easier to get them u steps than along the equivalent distance OK n the flat. Once we eventually got to the Dragon Museum and had a couple of snacks we discovered that the Volcano Film is back up. We then went for some mash and sausages, which I had to eat most if as everyone else was full of snack. They were also too full to eat the cake they were supposed to share in the totem-pole café, but I wrapped it up and took it home as I'd had a large muffin mostly to myself.
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