The Breakfast Club.

I had an early physio appointment today. Joey Essex was busy trying to loosen my spine when I almost shot through the ceiling and came away feeling a bit worse so decided to give my good friend Annette a call who's a Sports Injury Therapist. I really need to get this back sorted as I can't afford too much more time off work.

Then I popped to Sainsburys and picked up a few breakfast bits to take to Daughter Number 1's so we could have a Birthday Breakie for Samuel Squidet before he headed back to Newquay. It was a lovely relaxed morning because I just sat there!  with DN1's BF and flatmate/landlord.

Mr W had booked himself a BMW experience day and was bombing around Brands Hatch at 120 miles an hour and trying to roll an X5. Id have liked to have gone with him but had to work in the afternoon. I should still be off sick but it was a job I couldn't really cancel. 

The Weather was amazing this afternoon, long may it last!

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