Active bimbling

This morning, I woke the entire Yorkshire midge population.  More fool me for getting in a ditch with cobwebs when it's still and damp.  It didn't even make a good shot!

The currently nine nibbles (I keep discovering more itches) are forgiven, however, since I did find my cloud inversion, fogbows and, with an exceptionally determined search, this vague brocken spectre.

What a morning!  I spent four hours up on the moor, descending three times but, not wanting to enter back into the fog, headed back uphill and did an ever increasing circuit.  It was toasting, such a contrast to yesterday and a joy to be out.

It's been a full day of active bimbling really.  This afternoon, I headed out on my bike with my heart choosing Burnsall.  My head did question that as a pedal too far but I decided to stop and stretch at Bolton Abbey, listen carefully to any twinges and see what happened.   

I was very good.  I made it to just before the steep drop into Burnsall and decided that that was the sensible place to turn back so I didn't have to force anything coming home.  More than that, I stopped for a stretch and coffee & cake at Bolton Abbey.  I think I burnt just about enough to warrant that.

I could definitely feel my calf a touch but nothing that you'd call a twinge so I'm hopeful that that was a successful outing.  I think I need more of the same for a while before I push it any further.

The added bonus was seeing the motion blur of an orange lightening blipper on the last stretch.  Hope you enjoyed a great outing!

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