buttering up...

...a freshly shucked corn cob tonight with this absolutely delicious buttercup yellow butter. And it really is seriously yellow which is apparently due to beta carotene in the cream from the milk of grass fed cows.
(The paler European butters are made from the cream of grain fed cows  as beta carotene is contained in grass.)

Pepe Saya started as Pierre Issa's one man operation in rural New South Wales and has grown like topsy,  now providing butters  to top notch restaurants around Australia and Qantas First Class no less.
And the name??...his childhood nickname from his Lebanese and Scottish Australian parents...' there are two theories about its origin. One is his Scottish grandmother couldn't pronounce Pierre and called him Pepe instead. The other is that his father called him Pepe because he looked like a pelican waddling when he was in nappies. Issa laughs and says he thinks it's the latter. As for the Saya, he explains he had a vivid dream when someone was calling him Pepe Saya and when he woke up, he instantly knew he had the name for his business.'

We will be back for more Pepe Saya butter from the little cheese van at the orchard gate on a Friday.
And with asparagus  coming into season here in the hills, eeek another perfect combo!

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