A Strange little Bee

I went into the yard to find a quick Blip; I watch this Bee as he seemed to awkwardly go from flower to flower. He seemed to be getting his leg stuck in each flower as he attempted to fly off. I can't see anything wrong with him, perhaps just clumsy?

I have to get to bed since I have to get up early because hubby's surgery is scheduled for first thing in the morning. We were so excited to get that news at the doctors today. I like the surgeon who will be doing the surgery; he explained things clearly and simply.....and he has been doing this for years! I feel very confident that all will go well. Of course, they have to tell you all the things that could go wrong, but the percent of people with problems with this particular surgery is very small.

No commenting tonight...maybe I will drop a couple of hearts if I have any......so I will check in with you tomorrow. Thanks for your wonderful support. Very kind of you.

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