Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55


I have just been watching television and enjoyed listening to a well broadcast programme. I was drinking a concoction of coffee and cocoa sprinkled with some cinnamon. It tasted good. I have blipped the few crumbs left from the ginger biscuits I enjoyed .
I got wondering about the Law of Manifestation, which is a Spiritual Law they were good at in Golden Atlantis.
The thought came to me, what would I want to magically manifest from these golden crumbs if I had the power to make something useful, good and beautiful. So far my lack of creative imagination has not come up with an eco powered golden vehicle to transport myself to places I would love to visit.
Nor has it come to me to invent magical food like in the film Hook, to feed the starving millions.
Both of these ideas would be great, if only I could employ that Law of Manifestation. We depend on normality and money, and good laws for so much, while people general would like to do so much better, I imagine.
I wondered if other blippers could imagine great and wonderful conversions from these humble ginger nut biscuit crumbs.
Life is good.
I am a bit tired, and it is 24c, so a little warm here.
Have a great Thursday blipper friends.
Some time after that first journal entry...
Thanking God for every crumb of wisdom, and these words from Philippians 4;19

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