
By Shaaamie

Not So Glorious

Grouse shooting for 'sport' depends on intensive habitat management which increases flood risk and greenhouse gas emissions. It relies on killing Foxes, Stoats and Mountain Hares in large numbers and often leads to the deliberate illegal killing of protected birds of prey, including Hen Harriers ...

Driven grouse shooting uses animals for live target practice, with thousands killed every day. Native predators are killed because they eat Red Grouse. Mountain Hares are killed because they carry ticks that can spread diseases to grouse. Heather is burned to increase Red Grouse numbers for shooting. Grouse shooting is economically, ecologically and socially unnecessary ...

The issue is to be debated in parliament, but I can't see our representatives in Parliament banning this not so glorious 'sport' ...

Chris Packham on the issue ...

Red Grouse
Allendale Common
The North Pennines

Hope you're well and enjoying the week ...

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