twinned with trumpton


A school drop off and then - oh - another one! Quel surprise! 
Then it was onto the bike and out and about into a warm day. Out to Sighthill and then back into town; fairly uneventful and none too demanding. 

Swung past hers at lunchtime; had soup and then carried on into the afternoon; I made it home around 3.30 and proceeded to delve into the paperwork and e mails for a couple of hours.

Then at 6, I downed tools and jumped onto the new bike (are you sick of hearing about it yet??) as I'd arranged to meet Barry and Herbie (no, not the comic double act) for a wander around Arthur's Seat; there's not going to be too many opportunities in the evenings as the days continue to shorten but hopefully we'll get a couple more in. (As the new bike inspires speed, I was early and managed to snaffle a CIgs at the velodrome first)

Then a pleasant hour up and down; no great urgency but the dug appreciated the change of scenery.

Bidding Barry a good evening, I then went to hers to construct bed #2 - 90 minutes later it was done. Hopefully we'll get more than 1 night from this one unlike the Ikea one.

So I made it home around 9.30; jacket potato with chicken mayo sweetcorn tarragon bacon. And a deep deep sleep. (I couldn't even stay awake long enough to post a blip) 

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