107, 393
Daria Privalko
OK, despite Raheny_Eye's kind references to my youthful looks, I am old enough to remember the joyous days before computers took over graphics work - layout boards, blue pencil lead, Copydex, Letratone and above all, halftone screens for photo-reproduction.
Dots, lines, circles, the angle of screen, the number of final steps - you had an endless amount of possibilities to reduce a picture to just one colour, and make the resulting pattern as abstract or realistic as you wanted.
Which goes to explain why I'd post a photograph of an artwork done by poking a sheet of paper with a big needle. Not the most impressive of work methods, but when you consider that the full portrait - of a woman in a spotted dress, staring back over her shoulder - is 1m x 1.5m, and the title refers to the number of holes in the image, you get some idea of the work involved!
Apologies for the two faint stripes at the bottom - these are the reflections from the roof lights across the gallery space, and there is no angle from which they don't appear in shot.
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