There's a storm a brewin!!!

Warm night, rubbish sleep, bed at 11, still awake at 4 :-( eventually got off but woke at 7.05, then off again and hub woke me at 8.45 as I had to be out by 10 :-/

Lovely bright warm sunny morning.......drove over to my Pilates class before going on to see mum. She was in the middle of changing her bed linen when I got there. We both got changed and off we went.

We went for a drive, for a change, before we called at a different garden centre for a bite to eat. we had a good old wander round afterwards, before calling in at Sainsburys so I could pick up something for our dinner.

The skies got really heavy and we had no sooner got back to mums than the heavens absolutely bounced down for around 20 minutes then just stopped!!

I went into the front garden to cut back a berberis that mum had asked me to do, as it was too tall for her to reach! as I was finishing the skies were really black and it got darker and darker, until it was like midnight.

We went indoors just as the storm broke, Ive not seen lightening like tonight's for a long time!!! It was quite spectacular, if a little scary ;-) I think mum was quite happy that I was there to keep her company.

I stayed put until the storm passed over, although it was still lightening and rumbling at 8.10 when I left to drive home. Sis text me to say that their Man City match had been postponed due to the weather!!!

I took a few shots from mums lounge window across the park in front of her house.....I got lucky with one!!! :-)

A bit of rain at home but nothing more :-)

Sorry too tired to comment tonight, catch up with you all soon, I promise :-)

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