Feeling the heat

I am starting to feel like I am getting my head around my groups and getting my teaching mojo back today. One or two challenges along the way this morning but nothing like the brick wall that was today's lesson 5: bottom set Y8 - all 26 of them - in a classroom that was already warm at 9am. We just about got through to a quarter past three but it was a long, long lesson. 

And then a long meeting at the end of the day and an inbox purge following that before  I headed home via the pet shop for some food for Bailey who is currently being a bit picky about what he eats - freshly cooked chicken is always welcome somehow. We've both been a bit warm this evening. Even with a walk in the dark, Bailey was still panting sat next to me on the sofa. We're both hoping for a cooler day tomorrow and I'm hoping for one that is slightly less fraught. 

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