Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Goodbye Percy!

Well, the meal last night went well, with no major dramas. The sparkling wine and sparkling conversation flowed until late (by Noosa standards!).

Another coincidence! Sue (Mrs Barry) works with a Kiwi. Turns out this Kiwi was probably in the same year at the same high school in the same town as JR!

A leisurely start to the day, and then a wee tootle - yes, you guessed it - to the marina. A most pleasant coffee and scone, and they forgot to put on the muzak and it was so pleasant. Had I been staying/living there, I would have congratulated them on the silence.

Just a quick pop over to the jetty to see Percy. The usual comedy of errors as I looked the wrong way and one sneaky pelican would swoop in or fly out. Or I'd move to the jetty, anticipating a flight across to the other jetty, and they'd fly the other way. However, I did get some flight photos, they are like small planes! I will bore my uncle with them when I get home. And I will put some on my folio when I have speedier broadband.

But I chose this last one of Percy, paddling along with smug look on his face. But check out the crazy Salvador Dali reflections and the severed head! I will miss him/them.

He was on his perch on the lamp post, and I just noticed the vast area of yellow splashes around it. You certainly wouldn't want to be standing within reach of that! They are BIG birds. I did notice when he was on the jetty at the restaurant yesterday, that they do a very fulsome liquid poo, like a pint pot of lemon paint being squirted. Too much information?

We've both mastered the art of opening the automatic garage door as we come round the corner of the street without having to stop or slow down unduly. That's only taken five weeks. And we STILL get lost regularly. Noosa district has 125 roundabouts! And they all look the same.

We're off for a last walk down to the river. :-(

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