Anyone for Polo!
The Freshers have arrived and the Polo Club was busy plying for trade. Not sure what the horses would have made of it! They seemed happy enough and a suppose they are used to being around crowds but it was still a surprising sight when I came across them on my lunchtime plod.
Campus was hugely busy and noisy all day. We had music all day long outside the office - quite a shock to the system after a quiet few months. Then there was a near catastrophe as I headed to the car for The drive home as someone attempted to drive the wrong way around the one way system and met a whole string of traffic going the other way. They managed to manoeuvre themselves out of harm's way before turning themselves back around. The road layout is very frustrating on campus as you can often see where you need to be but have to do a huge loop to get there but driving against the one way system is definitely not a good plan!
After a mad dash home it was footie practice for Leo and bell ringing practice for me. And I have sprouted the usual blisters from the rope. I managed to ring Plain Hunt (sort of - there was a bit of clashing with the back bells) so that was good fun. Have a couple of blisters for my efforts as usual :)
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