A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Let's go!

This morning started well but has deteriorated slightly as the cold that has been lurking for a couple of days hadn't been scared into submission by alcohol as I had hoped yesterday but was just lurking in the wings. The rhythm of the day has therefore largely been dictated by where I am on the Day Nurse cycle. I revised my ambitious work targets and carefully timed the important things to coincide with the first hour after dosing up.

Anna's mates turned up to collect her as planned for the walk to school and all seemed to go smoothly. So me and the mutt headed down to Chiswick House and she was able to enjoy a slightly longer walk than Monday mornings usually allow.

As kind of expected J has struggled following yesterday's exuberance but a very chilled out day seems to have done the trick and hopefully he will be up to more tomorrow.

Me too as my work schedule is potentially less amenable to dosing.

Lesley x

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