Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Small aperture...

...big view!
Homework for AYWMC - f22 and a tripod, from the viewpoint at Ingbirchworth. Note to self - must get the tripod out more ;)
It was one of those days where you could see for miles... and miles...
Overwhelmed by your response to my collage of "greatest hits" for blip #1000 - thank you so much!
I've decided to streamline my commenting gradually, not drastically, now I've reached 1000, as the time taken to catch up with everybody increases as the number of people you follow grows - I know you all know what I mean! Not sure how successful I'll be reducing bliptime - and I will still be looking and leaving a smattering of stars and hearts each day - in fact you'll probably not notice any difference...
Eek - I'm definitely addicted... "My name is 60plus and I'm a Blipper"  ;)

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