My youngest child is 21 today - how ever did that happen and where has the time gone? 

My Samuel Squidget is on his way up from Cornwall, stopping at his Auntie and Cousin in Portsmouth today for dinner and a Birthday tea, then he will be joining me, Mr W and his sister tomorrow for dinner and pressies and staying for a few days. I can't wait to see him.

Mr W and I have spend the day in and out the car, starting off in Ikea for breakfast and a frame for Sams picture. Then 3 garden centres, Aldi and Homebase. By the time I got home and sat down to wrap his presents, my back went again. Now I know I promised not to keep moaning about it but this is the 5th time in 2 weeks now and I'm just trying to keep a log of whats going on. Feeling pretty p*ss*d off with it all now, especially as I am getting very little help or support from Mr W. Not because he doens't love me, but because he's really struggling with the recent death of his best friend which I can totally understand so he has very little time or feeling for anything else thats going on. I'm hoping his funeral next Thursday will help him with a bit of closure.

Anyway, the presents are wrapped, the house is nearly tidy and the chicken in the oven ready to make a pie which is Sam's favourite (although its looking like it might be take away tomorrow now!) and all I have left to do it make up the spare bed which Step Daughter has vacated ready for Sam. Might take me a few hours but here goes!

So todays blip is the card I made for Sams Birthday which will be a few days late due to the Snapfish fiasco I had but thats another story. Enough doom and gloom for one day I think!! Each aperture is a Birthday picture (or very close!) from 1 to 20. 

So Happy 21st Birthday to my very beautiful Boy. Mummy needs a hug!


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