'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Saying goodbye...

is always hard especially when it is a best friend. C will be leaving Devon tomorrow and returning to Stafford after 8 years of living in the South West. We first became good friends when she joined the teaching team in St Ives. It is thanks to her that i learnt how to quilt. I then moved to Devon and a year later so did C with her husband.

Whilst we still lived an hour apart we made sure we met up (usually at Haldon forest) often for walks, shopping, talking, coffee and cake. I am really going to miss these times. FaceTime and Skype just isn't the same.

I know we will keep in touch though and we have decided that Bath will have to be our new meeting place at least once a term if not half termly . Still there were a few tears today and now as I write this.

Three beautiful things:

Today's train journey and all that I saw.

The print that I bought.

Spending time with C before her move tomorrow.

One thing to be grateful for:

Waterproof mascara.

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