Corfe Castle

A great way to end the holiday. As we arrived at Corfe Castle the sun broke through. The castle was built by William the Conqueror and commanded a gap in the Purbeck Hills. It was beseiged twice by Parliamentarian Forces in the civil war. It finally succumbed and was demolished in 1645 on Parliaments orders.

We the travelled on to the coast near Swanage for a walk to Old Harry Rocks a series of chalk stacks off the coast. Again we were lucky with the weather for our walk along the coast.

We finished the day with a meal at the Crab House Cafe. Their menu was still being printed as we took our seats. This was due to it being dependant on the days catch. A delicious meal to finish the holiday.

Thank you for all the stars and hearts over the holiday. I really appreciate each and every comment.

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