Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


MrsDB makes a good pepper sauce but as you'd expect, I can make a better one.  This afternoon I decided to relieve her of the onerous task and said I'd take over.  Never a good thing to do - or say.

She had a few words about my ability and I about hers and we parted company.  Only temporarily I hasten to add.  I went to the cupboard, took a new carton of peppercorns for the grinder, fumbled with the inner plastic bag, got in a paddy and rived at it.  Why do they make the bloody things Houdini proof?  Anyway to show it who was boss I took each side between finger and thumb and impatiently pulled in opposite directions.  

Bugger!  The plastic split and the peppercorns went everywhere leaving the kitchen floor looking like we'd had a plague of rabbits.  I've now been banned to my office (I'm not arguing) and forbidden from entering the kitchen until I'm summoned.  SHE took the pic and insisted I Blip it AND tell the truth.

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