Sentinel Dying

The drought of the last few years here on the West Coast has taken a great toll on the Douglas firs and many other trees. On our Oakland property, we have several dozen firs either dead or dying, but we were shocked to find this giant sentinel along our road obviously stressed, and probably dying. What we are finding is that trees that seem healthy can within a week or two look sickly and dead. All of the time we spent here last week, we never noticed anything wrong with this tree. Now, it looks to be dying. 

That's Tom standing beside it for perspective.

This tree is around 80 feet tall, and maybe 100 years old or older. While we mourn the death of this beautiful giant, what is truly sad is driving the interstate in southern Oregon and seeing hundreds of trees in great stands all dying. In my opinion, this is yet one more statement about global warming.

When we will wake up and take care of Our Mother? 

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