
So many questions...

Too many comments about ballcocks...

It was a frenzied Friday in the funhouse.

At lunchtime, two students came to the office to ask if I knew where the 'caretaker' was.  I replied in the affirmative (he was sat the wrong way round on a toilet, in the ladies loos, fixing the ballcock!).  I asked why they needed him and they told me they wanted him to get their football off the roof.  I said "Oh no, no.  That's not a priority right now" Their response "Why? Does he have jobs to do?"  Erm, well, yes.  Ballcocks and all that.  

And there was "Toastgate" - don't underestimate the Pavlovian response that teachers have in relation to free toast on Friday break time .  Especially when it doesn't arrive!

I am utterly knackered.  I had more energy a couple of hours post op than I do right now.  Tomorrow I will probably be sleeping a lot.

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