Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

As I Was Saying

Less than a week ago I was bemoaning the fact that it was very difficult to get close to deer in our area.  Well, today I'd popped down to Chasewater for an early walk and to welcome in the sunrise (see extra).  The sky soon clouded over and there was even a hint of rain in the air, so I was making a hasty retreat to the car when I noticed movement amongst the barns adjacent to the innovation centre.  

A small group of young male red deer were foraging amongst a pile of cuttings, so I stopped and changed lenses in the hope of getting some images.  At least one had noticed me, but there seemed no intention to rush off.  They moved out of site, so I moved around, hoping to outflank them, using the barns as cover.

Well what happened next was both surprising and unusual.  I spotted the deer, foraging in a small group of evergreens, just by the main entrance to the centre.  They knew I was there so I was constantly taking images, expecting any moment for them to head away.  They didn't and I was able to approach to within 10 metres of this chap.  It was only then I wondered whether I was the one that was vulnerable?  It is the start of the rutting season and while these were too young to be involved, it suddenly started to dawn on me that the testosterone would be surging through their veins.  I retreated and headed back to the car.  

I don't know whether I had a sixth sense but as I drove away I passed the ramp that went down to the centre car park, only to notice two joggers running towards me, with one of the deer following (chasing?) them a few metres behind!  It soon gave up but I continued to wonder as I drove home.

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