The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Bad mood …

You may remember that I bought a second hand car a few weeks ago and after a short time the handle fell off. The dealer was less than helpful - saying I’d obviously yanked at it (in spite of me telling him it’s a known weakness - he only needed to check with the Nissan garage over the road) They wouldn’t take any responsibility and insisted that I had to pay for the replacement handle. I went along with it - annoyed but not up to arguing about it (and kind of bored with the ‘love, sweetheart, darling’ patronising attitude of the dealers) However they are SO dragging their heels at sorting the problem out that I decided to check facts and find that OF COURSE they’re legally obliged to fix it at their own cost.

I went into CAB to find that there was a two hour wait - so will go back another day - much earlier.

My bad mood started with this ..

A nice afternoon on the beach because poor old Maisie hadn’t had so much as a short walk in the morning.

In the evening my failing router has become worse and worse - giving a nano second of connection once in a blue moon.  I already tried to blip once and lost the entire thing to the failing router. If I ever manage to post my blip today it will be a miracle.

I’m not one for posting photos of myself - but here’s Maisie and me looking windswept on the beach.

Tomorrow Maisie and I will be taking part in the Humber bridge Memory Walk - if anyone would like to sponsor us we’d be very grateful - thank you.

Here’s my JustGiving page

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