A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

See you on the dark side of the moon...

The soundtrack to my weekend has pretty much been Pink Floyd. In fact, significant parts of my life have had the Floyd as the back drop.

Corin brought a TV/Video from his folks' house during the week - its been in the kitchen (we've been watching Ren and Stimpy whilst cooking tea!). Anyway, he put a wall mounted stand up for it yesterday evening and whilst I was rooting through a box of videos that haven't seen the light of day for at least 3 years, I found a video of Pink Floyd @ Earls Court in 1994 - The Division Bell tour - which was used to record the double live album called Pulse (Oh I am such a saddo!). I put it on with no intention of watching the whole thing, as it was 11.30pm and I felt pretty crappy to be honest.

.....at 1.15 am we watched the credits roll!!!!

Spookily, after it had finished there was a BBC time check on the recording and the time was almost spot on...

Anyway, the Floyd seemed to have cured my brief bout of 'the lurgy' as I have been feeling fine all day today, although Corin has relapsed. I think I have the advantage of working with hundreds of children that maybe I have slightly more resistance to some of the 'bugs' that are flying around.

As for the Floyd...

the song that made me cry after my heart was broken the first time

Echoes - part 1
Echoes Part 3
My dad used to listen to the album "Meddle" on his headphones (big comfy 'old fashioned' ones - back before CD's were invented, so it was on good sturdy vinyl - he used to have it so loud its a wonder he can still hear these days)...but Echoes is just such a stunning track...about half way through there is a particular 'bit' which makes the hairs on my arms stand up - its about a minute into the 'Part 3' clip - but I have to say its not as good on the clip as it is on the original.....

Wish you were here - again - pops played this album to death - 5 tracks, 1 album, this is the shortest on the CD but its my favourite.

If pushed, I would probably say that Pink Floyd are my favourite band, because Dave Gilmour is a genius guitar player (even if he does pull silly faces when playing live) and they are as good live, if not better, than recorded.

Thanks Dad for giving me some taste, musically, when you were bringing me up!!!!

More moon, and moon through the trees shots

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