The Mainsheet

Much of the day spent with Deek out at maw's old house, letting in a string of workmen. Amazing how many of them are in the landlord business. I suppose it makes sense that if you can do up properties you may as well do it on your own account. I know that owning flats gives you a better return than money in the bank but I can't get over the feeling that there's something not quite right about it. All these buy-to-letters are pricing young people out of the market in places like Edinburgh. And the continual circulation of renters undermines the sense of community that used to exist up so many stairs. Soon I'm going to say 'bloody students' so I better stop.
So muggy! Over to the boat to potter awhile and dribble crack cure into the leaky Windows. Blip.
And then! Tarrrraaaa!!! The first use of the bus pass! And quickly thereafter, the second!! £3.20 saved. And a pint is only £3.40. But the Diggers was heaving. The old boys couldn't get a seat. Groups of young people round the tables. Not regulars. Yes, bloody students!

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