
Hero and Biscuit are both on the Danish Team for the European Heelwork To Music Championship in The Czech Republic in the end of September and we are working hard to improve our routines and peak at exactly the right time.

Today my friend Helle and I met after work to train dogs. We had a great session, which felt really good. It is good to see progress - it takes some of the pressure off.

We finished by taking the dogs to the lake and let them have a swim. It wasn't very warm, but they loved it.

Tomorrow is a day off for the boys. They have trained hard recently and both brain and body need time to restitute. I think we will go for a walk in the afternoon and otherwise they can play in the garden and rest.

Left top: Hero and Cookie are waiting for us to get ready for their training.
Bottom left: Helle's red collie Cookie in the water with his frisbee.
Right: Hero's litter-sister Jazz. She lives with Helle and she is also on the Danish Team for the European Championship.

I talked to my dad earlier. My mum is doing as ok as can be expected after falling over twice in one week and with a broken arm. She is getting Home Care from the NHS and it seems to work quite well for her.

Wednesday... 2 more days and then it's weekend! Not long!
Emmy & the Hazyland boys

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