I got that sunshine in my pocket
My baby boy is 25 today! Where the hell did that time go?
A year in Glasgow; 6 years in The Village, 12 years in Troon, and 6 years in North Carolina.
I asked him for a 'today' photo so I have a record of him on his birthday.. And i got a selection of 6, which to choose - i chose this one, cause he's got that look in his eye which says 'hey mum'...
It matters not a jot how old he is, i haven't got any older; he's just catching up but he'l always be ma Boy, and still groans when i say 'don't' in that tone of voice but still doesn't anyways! He's a great lad and we're all so proud of him.
Am actually sitting here thinking... What the hell was i doing, letting him move to America at 19???? Flipping heck...
Happy Birthday Boy. Love you loads!
in other amazing news (and am recording this for my own astonishment). We had a VAT inspection today. Scheduled for 2 day. Man arrived, man asked me questions, man asked to see stuff; i answered questions, showed him stuff and he left, perfectly happy pronouncing my work 'meticulous' My boss said; i wish you hadn't said that now, cause she's gonna dance - and i did, all over the office;
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