Five things

By fivethings


1. A sunny day and I feel like taking photos. On the way to my first meeting, the path suddenly clears and it feels like I am alone at this corner. I love the light poking through the glass of the station. Looks clean and bright. Which, let's be honest, it's not. But it looks like it.

2. A joyous meeting full of hope and excitement and possibility. I am lucky that these meetings come up fairly often in my line of work. I love it when they do, they make me walk with a spring in my step.

3. On the way to the office I get in step with a man on a mobility scooter. All the way up Sauchiehall street. I wouldn't mention it other than he had a radio in his basket, on full volume. Just, you know, out for a scoot, listening to some tunes.

4. To the Banana Leaf for wur tea. I think I choose well, soft shell crab boy maybe wasn't so lucky.

5. Seven days in Havana at the GFT. A mixed bag of a film but ultimately feels like a whistle stop holiday in Cuba. A sunny start and a sunny finish to the day.

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