Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Rocking a Smile

Yes, another B&W photo of my lad on a Wednesday, but this time not running. We've moved to the equestrian events. And then cycling, as he rode to daycare.

I popped out onto the deck with my camera this morning as the kids were having a bit of a play. Here Mstr 5 is rocking on the rocking horse we bought when Miss 6 was very very little (it's lasted most impressively). I got a better exposure that was very similar, but just didn't have quite such a gorgeous smile. Largely because this was overexposed, I decided to make it B&W, as I find that can work better than blown-out colour.

I did add a duplicate layer with "multiply" blend mode, before I did a B&W conversion and some other layer, tone-mapping and noise jiggery-pokery.

Here he is large.

Just watched the women's 100m hurdles final. Amazing run from Sally Pearson, and it was lovely to see her so excited at the end. Now about to watch the men's 1500m final, and the commentator just said that NZ's Nick Willis is looking good. So I'll stop typing and start watching. 8)

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