Another Rest Day - Not!

I tried really hard all Sunday evening to get my contacts covered for today as I knew it was going to be tricky driving all day with a bad back but everyone I knew was already working hard. Mr W told me I should just go off sick but I don't do that unless I'm actually dying or know I can get cover. If I call in sick at such short notice, someone won't get to see their child and I can't do that. But as it happened, I was cancelled 27 miles into my journey so I was able to come home and lay down for a few hours.

I then had a slight cock up in my diary which is actually unlike me and thought for a moment I had the afternoon off, but after a few phone calls I realised I did actually have a new family booked. Its a horrible feeling when you think you might be able to go to bed for the afternoon only to find your back in the car!! But actually it went well and I felt a bit better by the afternoon.

That didnt stop me from laying down on the sofa again as soon as I got in though!!! Then I got the hump because Mr W couldn't drag himself away from Candy Crush enough to ask me how my day was (or how my back was!) so I sulked and refused to cook tea!! He won't ask me about my back because I refused to go back to the Osteopath!!!! He got cross and again said "suffer then!" (He doesn't like me not being me and I'm not me at the moment!) 
The reason I don't want to go back is; 
1) the expense, 
2) It really, really hurt, 
3) It didn't seem to help a back in spasm - my philosophy is you rest a spasmed muscle, not pummel it 
and 4) I asked him to stop at one point as it was too painful and he didn't. If I ask a man to stop touching me when I ask him to, then he bloody well stops!!!! But he didn't. My body - my rules!

I also messaged my Bestie back to say I was happy to have her Daddy here as his dying wish but that I couldn't really understand why her mum wanted to come when I haven't spoken to her for the last 7 years, and she hasnt been the nicest person in the world to me. I also explained that Mr W wasn't keen on the idea and so I decided it wasn't a good idea. She totally understood and said she was sorry for putting me in that tricky situation. I do understand what many of you said yesterday about maybe it was time to make up, but I have moved on with my life since my tricky divorce, I have taken back control of what I want to do and am fed up with constantly trying to please other people all the time. I wasn't happy about seeing her and if Daddy wasn't happy to come without her then that's not my problem. I was wanting to grant his wish, not hers. But we will still get to see each other - hopefully. I'm just so relieved that Shirley took it well and seemed to understand. 

I love this Blip Community for sounding off to!!! Thank you. xXx

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