Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


Go on, you can do it........ ignore the pain, a few last reps! Pedal faster, push against the wind, enjoy the burning in your lungs. I have always been an enthusiastic sports person, thrilled by the way your body can feel, delighted at what you can make it do! I have been blessed with a physical and mental approach that allows me to do......much!

It is usual for me to bounce out of bed and do my stretches and little exercise routine, start the day with a positive and healthy attitude. This morning, with a soft September-ish mizzle in the air, I could muster only a small amount of energy. With the sky so flat and devoid of colour that it almost wasn't there, hanging like a shroud over the land, being on the bike left me with a lacklustre mood.

I stopped to look about for a while (those that follow me will know of my 'stop, look up, look down' mantra) and enjoy the world in its form, when I spied a little something that made me smile (also something that I strive to do on a daily basis).

There....wrapped in the most wonderful blanket of Thistle down, lay asleep a black common Beetle. Pearlised drops of water siting on his shell, head buried deep into the darkness of the Thistle-head. If he had a night cap and pyjamas on he could not have looked more cosy! I stood with a massive grin on my face. The passing joggers, walkers, cyclists and even the odd Cow looked at me in furtive awareness.

You know it's going to be a good day when you see something that you never have before, so early on, there is a whole day to go yet and I'm already up on the cool stuff quota!

This... Life thing, it really is pretty neat! There are so many things that make you stare, take your breath away and generally make it cool to get up for (even on a mizzly day)!

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